Welcome to SEMNARC.

Current NEWS

Next SEMNARC Meeting January 25th

The next SEMNARC meeting will be on Saturday, January 25th at the Spring Valley Ambulance Station from 9-11am. There will be short discussion and demonstration of the new packet station recently installed in the EOC room. This station gives the ability to send packet messages and Winlink emails using radio only. The rest of the meeting will be a project building morning and everyone will have the opportunity to build their own 450 Ohm ladder line J-Pole antenna. The design that will be used will be for VHF and UHF ham and will be able to be tunable for GMRS use as well. This design has been built and tested by W0AMX and works well. All materials will be provided for each J-pole kit and instructions provided for each person to build their kit that morning. A soldering station will be setup to use, but you may want to bring your own wire cutters, wire strippers, tape measure, utility knife and needle nose pliers to minimize waiting. The cost for each kit will be around $20. You will have the option to build your antenna as a roll-up to keep in a go-bag for quick temporary use or installed in a plastic PVC pipe which can be mounted in a permanent location at your home. This will be a fun and educational project for meeting goers to build. Anyone with an interest in Ham or GMRS radio or weather is welcome to attend our meetings and we monitor the Wykoff 147.015 PL110.9 repeater for talk-ins. See you there!

Antenna Building project for the next meeting

Who would be interested in building a 450OHM J-Pole  VHF/UHFantenna at the next meeting?
Please reply with your call and or first name.

Results are encrypted and only available to the site admin.

Current NEWS

We are ramping up our use of groups.io and lessening our use of facebook. All “ACTIVE” SEMNARC members, please subscribe HERE


Looking to become a member of SEMNARC?

It’s really easy, just show up at one of our meetings, that’s it, you’re in. Simple, get involved as much or as little as you like. Our group is active in exploring the many facets of amateur radio as well as a deep interest in weather with our Fillmore Skywarn Spotter Group.

You can join us on our weekly Sunday evening nets at 7:45PM on the 147.015+ PL 110.9 / 444.250+ PL136.5 (linked) amateur radio repeaters or you can join us on our GMRS side on the Saturday night net at 8:00PM on the 462.575 +5Mhz PL 136.5 repeater (CH 16R). Wait a minute, GMRS? Yes, you read that right, just check-in with your GMRS callsign.

Learn more about what we do deeper into the site. Welcome to SEMNARC!