Welcome to SEMNARC.

Current NEWS

Next SEMNARC Meeting July 27th

Because the Fillmore County Fair will be running July 15-20th, next SEMNARC meeting will be on Saturday, July 27th from 9-11am at the Spring Valley Ambulance Station. There will be a review of our club’s Field Day event and how things went. Even with the heavy rain and weather challenges, our group was able to get our station up and running by the official start time on Saturday of 1pm and members were on site for the entire 24 hour event. Thank you to everyone who helped out with set-up, operating, manning the site, bringing food, and tear-down. The station made some interesting contacts and we’ll review and discuss at the meeting. Justin KE0DXJ will also give a presentation about another interesting event that he attended also in June. See you there!

Anyone with an interest in amateur radio or weather is welcome to attend SEMNARC meetings

We monitor the Wykoff 147.015 PL 110.9 / Racine 444.250 PL136.5 (linked) repeaters during meetings for talk-ins.


Looking to become a member of SEMNARC?

It’s really easy, just show up at one of our meetings, that’s it, you’re in. Simple, get involved as much or as little as you like. Our group is active in exploring the many facets of amateur radio as well as a deep interest in weather with our Fillmore Skywarn Spotter Group.

You can contact us too at “skywarn at semnarc dot org” or join us on our weekly Sunday evening nets at 7:45PM on the 147.015+ PL 110.9 / 444.250+ PL136.5 (linked) amateur radio repeaters or you can join us on our GMRS side on the Saturday night net at 8:00PM on the 462.575 +5Mhz PL 136.5 repeater (CH 16R). Wait a minute, GMRS? Yes, you read that right, just check-in with your GMRS callsign.

Learn more about what we do deeper into the site. Welcome to SEMNARC!