Storm spotter training and Information

All members of the Fillmore County Skywarn group are required to take the Storm Spotter Training class from the National Weather Service every 2 years to stay current on training and remain active in the group. NWS Lacrosse offers these classes every March/April at numerous locations throughout the area. Anyone wishing to join Fillmore Skywarn will first need to take the NWS training. Our group is always looking for more spotters in Fillmore and Mower counties. Contact Jim at for more information.

NWS Lacrosse Spotter Training Schedule 2025

These videos are placed here to aid in your training, They are intended to help you and your community to be better prepared. Good training will help you become more confident in spotting and lend to providing more accurate information to the EOC and the NWS

These are advanced topic videos from NWS Norman, OK

VIDEO # 1 Staying Safe

VIDEO # 2 Severe Storm Ingredients

VIDEO # 3 Storm Motion and Positioning

VIDEO # 4 Wall Clouds and Tornadoes

VIDEO # 5 Basic/Advanced Radar Interpretation

Gibson Ridge advance training for Net Control Radar Software Operation.
(This is for those using the GRleve RADAR software only.)